No Escape
Afternoon all,
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today - Abraham Lincoln
On the car front......we were lucky to get home....apparently. Our mechanic drove 100 yards and >B O O M <.....bits flying.......he thought at first it was our gear box but its not.....thankfully its not as bad as first thought...getting fixed this weekend. Still contemplating another car........we'll see ;0)
Off to visit our Niece later.....Birthday 12 ......teens looming......the moods and attitude kicked in long before lol.......girls grow up faster lol !!!! ;0)
Handsome Boy was coerced in the making off this but it was like taking pics without a memory card....."I'll take a few pics!"....."2!"......"6 maybe!".....!!! Kids !!! ;0)
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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