
I came across this tiny snail on a shelf in the greenhouse: it's only 6 or 7mm across. I think it may have succumbed to the hot weather, as the contents of the shell looked decidedly sick and it certainly didn't want to pop its head out to say hello. I can't say I'm sorry though, as the little varmint (or its friends and relations) have been eating leaves on the bean seedlings...I'm hoping they survive as I've now planted them out: fortunately not all the leaves had been gobbled - not yet anyway! However now that they're out in the vegetable bed the varmint's mum, dad, aunts & uncles may start to attack them.

Last year our rocket patch was invaded by loads of tiny snails like this one. I wish I could ask them why they have to sample a little of every leaf, rather than just eating the whole of one! This year we've put the rocket in a separate earthenware trough and so far they've not discovered it...

(If you're astute, you may notice that the leaf in the background is a courgette leaf, not a bean - the beans weren't in a convenient place to photograph.The courgettes are my second attempt - the first ones (about a month ago) also got eaten before they had a chance to grow much so I had to germinate some more!)

Many thanks to wrperry for hosting TT this month.

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