Tiny Flowers

These flowers are tiny, but very pretty. This morning I fought a curled up porous soaker hose and managed to lay it round half of the border and peg it down. I'm awaiting delivery of another one to complete the job. Sunny and warm for reading my book this afternoon until I got too hot and had to come in.

Day 72 / Day 64 of Lockdown / Day 14 of Step 1 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 134 to 37,048 (beware low no's this week until Wed due to bank hol reporting). Good to see hospital admissions falling to 471 yesterday, the lowest since 20th March, plus no deaths reported in Northern Ireland. ONS reported deaths up to 15th May with Covid on the death certificate was 45,231 with 28.3% of deaths from care homes. The daily briefing covered PPE (new contracts in place and new manufacturing in the UK, plus stockpiles now being replenished) and new Treatments (severe cases being treated with Remdesivir, ltd supply at the moment). Local lockdowns could happen in future if needed.

The briefing was again hijacked by the Press over Dominic Cummings actions. Three friends and I watch the briefing every day and comment on What's App. We're fed up with this section of the briefing except for the questions from the public as it's just Groundhog Day. Interesting that Matt Hancock took away the question from the public about fines given to others travelling due to childcare issues. (It was reported on 15/5 that all 44 of those charged under the Coronavirus Act should not have been prosecuted.)

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