A View of Fisherman's Paradise

It was Memorial Day in the U.S., and so I had the day off. It was a nice enough day, weather-wise, and so my husband and I grabbed a bite to eat for lunch, and headed to Fisherman's Paradise for a little hike along the stream.

I was standing on a wooden bridge looking downstream when I took this photo. For a looking-upstream view of Spring Creek (and some philosophizing about the intersection of grace and fly fishing), please see this prior Blip.

There were two mallards in the middle of the water, making their way upstream. I liked that pale colored tree on the left, but I do not know what it is. (I saw a cute orange-and-black bird, too, and I don't know what IT was either! Maybe a young Baltimore oriole?)

You can't see it in this photo, but the paths along the creek are lined with all manner of wildflowers, including Dame's rocket, which is a lovely purple. If only I could bottle the sweet flowery smells from this day! Oh my!

Here's a song for Fisherman's Paradise: 38 Special, with Back to Paradise.

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