
...seeds. Thanks to Wendy for hosting TinyTuesday this month.  I had a 7 am curb-side grocery pickup this morning, so I was up early. (Well, early for me). The weather was so beautiful that after I unloaded the groceries I went over to the park to meander around for a while. I caught a pair of cardinals off in the distance, but the male soon left his mate and kept flying closer and closer to me, so I was able to get some nice shots of it, & I've put one in the collage in extra. The other bird is, I think, some kind of warbler, (hoping Debbi can ID it for me) and I had to include the lake, which was looking lovely; calm, with some mist on the horizon, and sending a lovely breeze up onto the bluffs. I've also added a couple shots of some of the blooming trees, which were looking exceptionally pretty. We'll be leaving shortly for Tom's weekly lab draw, then have some errands to run. Hope you're all staying safe and healthy. :))

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