
By zebra

Celebrate the journey

Indeed...thank you for celebrating the journey! Today is my final day in Addis which means that this time tomorrow I will be surrounded by my family and getting dressed to go see my daughters swimming gala. It has been a good 10 days on the road but going home is so nice!

If all goes as planned, we will have finished outlining the broad parameters within which six countries will develop programmes for supporting children and their families. I think we are on the right track. Time will tell. Today we will select indicators which will be used to track our success over the next 5 years. A special thanks to the Norwegian Government for their support in our efforts [assuming they will fund the proposal once it is complete].

So this parting shot was taken in the street outside our project. I am not a football fan but from what I understand, the Ethiopians were, earlier this week, knocked out of the African Cup. You have never heard so much cheering in the streets that night. This is the only country I know of which celebrates defeat...and with gusto!

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