
By hpx

Snake oil Monday

That 'feeling' I developed late Saturday wasn't just the weather. I'm fighting a sore throat, minor aches and head ache.

I stayed home today and slept until some time early this afternoon. Then I got up and did insane things like finish cleaning the freezer and rearranging the freezer compartment.

One of my annoying habits is I never label things in the the freezer, on the basis that "I know" (but even then there are some fun discoveries from time to time ;-) I thought I'd make Mum's life easier when she's looking after me. But you can't easily label stuff that is cold and frozen. Believe me I've tried.

I'll have to draw a map - stewed fruit, stuff that's been cooked and needs reheating, don't eat this stuff it's the fur childs, road kill and other dead stuff that needs cooking.... Yes, a map with roughly drawn sections and the above descriptions should help a lot :-)

Anyway, the snake oil bit. I've downed copious quantities of a mix of calcium ascorbic, ascorbic acid and bioflavinoids. Basically vitamin C in a form supposedly readily available to the body. I don't know if I'm winning and the stuff is nuking germs. I might just have expensive wees. But I feel better for trying.

My colleague G, swears by salt and vinegar chips (crisps to most of you ;-) His theory is something about the roughness of the chips/crisps on the throat scours off mucus, and the salt and vinegar has some kind of medicinal properties. They have to be eaten one at a time.

She who never eats chips/crisps bought a packet. After the initial glee to be ingesting junk food, my body said "no, I don't want these". But I persevered a bit longer. I'm barely a week away from surgery so I'm willing to try anything within the confines of my sanity and reach ;-)

I had to make a trip to the local chemist and spotted the late afternoon sun catching the autumn leaves on this tree.

Time I went to bed.

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