Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Saturday — New Bed

At approximately 10:15 this morning the Sit ‘n Sleep truck arrived with our new bed. They also had the Hollywood bed frame for the bed we have been sleeping on (on the floor) since October (actually we had a wooden bed frame for a while and then we decided to paint it white; so, it now will be the guest bed). In less than an hour, two guys had the new bed completely installed and the Hollywood bed frame set-up in the guest room, and they were gone.

The salesman had told us yesterday in the showroom that sleeping with our heads at a 12% angle eliminates breathing problems, and breathing problems is exactly what Mr. Fun has been experiencing recently.

We have needed a new queen-size mattress and foundation since we built the patio room one year ago. This, however, was an entirely new experience for us. We have always just purchased a matching mattress and foundation.

Walking into the Sit ‘n Sleep store would lead a person to believe that’s a thing of the past. Every mattress was sitting on a specialized foundation that can raise the head, the feet, and raise or lower the entire bed, vibrate in several different patterns, has USB ports, Bluetooth capacity, and a light under the bed. I told a friend of mine “It can do everything but fly.” Except, what she explained is that her bed also has a foot warmer.

So I am in a state of shock regarding mattresses and foundations. It’s a whole new world out there! And we now have a new bed.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol,
and Chloe & Mitzi

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