I woke at 5 this morning - I blame the dawn chorus - my they start early and are very loud! I had two sourdoughs that needed baking and delivering so decided to get up and on with that! Yesterday I had delivered Brioche to The Weaver and a guy with a three legged dog I meet when out with Oscar. We were chatting and I said I had made bread and he said what luxury - so I offered to bake him a sourdough and give him some of the brioche I had already made. In return he said I could have apples and pears from his orchard once ripened! Todays sourdough was for The Potter and Vegan Jo. By 8 I had baked them and left Vegan Jo's on her doorstep! I then took Oscar up onto Kit Hill for the first time since lockdown. There were only 3 other cars in the parking area so we had the place virtually to ourselves, which was good as Oscar was beside himself with joy! He was bounding around, sniffing all the scents and chasing after birds in the heather! I heard a cuckoo for most of the walk and what i think were chiffchaffs and sky larks. After our walk I stopped at the Spa and got a few things then back to Calstock to deliver The Potters sourdough and brioche! In return I got a mug she had made!
I'm afraid after that it was a slice of brioche and an espresso for me and then I fell asleep for 4 hours! This meant my next batch of sourdough missed it's next fold - no idea how they are going to turn out! I'd intended to go up the allotment and water the plants but that never happened! Instead it was another walk for Oscar before watering the back yard plants and having some food - then another quick walk for Oscar as he was gathering every shoe he could get his teeth into and running outside with them! His way of saying " I need a pee!" Tomorrow I will check on the allotment - we so need rain! My sister got hailstones in Bristol yesterday! Nothing but strong winds and blue sky here!
Oh and these cows were in a field on the opposite side of the road to the Kit Hill entrance - they were all relaxing when I saw them but soon got up to check me out when I went near them with my camera!
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