Same Oregon dunes

In an ocean of Scottish broom. We went early to avoid the masses. But even that early some tortured their dune buggies up and down the high dunes with roaring sounds. When we walked in the forest, low dune vegetation, the noise slowly faded. It is the forest that is casting the shadow in the picture.
The strip of forest is rather narrow here and bordered by dunes on both sides. I managed to climb up the steep dune on the right side of the forest and entered a high heaven of silence. No dune buggies allowed there. This dune bordered the Siuslaw River and offered a splendid view over dune, river and even a bit of our famous bridge. Please see extras.
One pic shows , how high the brooms are. Don is dwarfed there.
We managed to brush off all the ticks before we came into the house :-) it’s their season too. They wiggle on the outer tip of the dune grass , about the hight if your knee or thigh and wait for you...

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