
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You know, one of my favourite memories of Edinburgh was the day I went onesie shopping with the Princess. As I recall, it was for her friend The Explorer, and we ended up in Primark having a hoot looking at the onesies with ears and tails and udders. 

"What would you even PUT in the udders?" I remember asking. 

Thankfully, I do not recall her answer.

Sadly, I was not involved in this more recent decision. This onesie arrived from the UK about a week ago, unbidden and unexpected. Caro bought it for herself without consulting me. I think she was inspired by her wacky sister, Feefs. I find they often try to out-Doofus each other. 

And in fact, the first I knew about the arrival of this onesie, was when this picture PING-ED onto my mobile phone. I responded with encouraging words as you might expect:

"Eff's sake. You're an effing DICK," I told her.

"I know!" she said, delighted.

But as it turns out, the onesie is too hot. Caro said it will be perfect for when the weather turns cold, although I think she's forgetting we have actual heating in our house. I suspect she'll be wanting me to open all the windows in winter, purely so she can caper about looking like Shaun the Sheep.

Although I think these pictures alone show that Caro has already got full comedy value out of this onesie. And yes, the pictures also got sent to Wacky Sister. 

Incidentally, we were trying to figure out what the onesie animal is. It IS a sheep, right? It looks like a sheep to me, although Caro claims she is not sure. 

Maybe my initial assessment is right and it is a an Effing Dick Onesie.


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