Memorial Day Weekend

Looks to be the start of a nice holiday weekend; warmer weather, and a quiet world. I had a nice chair visit with Dianne in her back yard where we kept our distance and enjoyed ourselves. This old, rather shabby house is somewhere between our places.
This afternoon we Kongslies had a Zoom Baby Shower for my niece, Melissa, who is about to have her first baby. We'd been looking forward to seeing her and Chris, hearing all their plans, and watching them open a few gifts, but that didn't happen. Her doctor ordered her to come in this morning so they could induce labor. Melissa is Type I Diabetic and they've been keeping a close eye on her. She is a distance runner, wears a fancy insulin pump, and takes good care of herself, but diabetes is dangerous to both mom and baby. Then it turned out they didn't induce her yet, waiting until her insulin is under control. Stay tuned.

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