Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 63 Getting ready

I popped into work today for a socially distanced meeting about returning to school on 1st June. We discussed how the bubbles would work and ways to keep ourselves and the children as safe as possible. After the meeting I popped home for a bit of lunch and then went back to school to get each child a little set of their own resources ready so there's no sharing or walking around unnecessarily. I'm going to need some time in school next week to have a good sort out and a tidy up plus I have lots of planning to do. We've got to plan for the children who are at home still and the group that I'll have in school. At the moment I've got 9 year 2 children in my bubble and my TA. We should get a whole day at home for PPA to reduce our contact time and we've got more to do. In addition to two lots of planning, we've also got to call all the other children regularly to check they're ok and reply to emails from their parents.
Before I went to school I managed a very light 30 minutes on the bike. I didn't go too fast as I'm not supposed to be exercising yet. After work Chris and I went for a short walk and I got a picture in the field at the back of our house. It was really windy today.
In the news, there were 351 deaths today and the government have announced that anyone coming into the country from abroad has to isolate for 2 weeks - that makes having a holiday tricky.

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