Dull day
Dull weather, and very windy. Dull in that I achieved very little! Intended walking as woke up early, but thought it might be dodgy in the woodlands with the high winds - quite a few trees down in the locality. Also thought it might be busier being a bank holiday weekend. So, abandoned that idea. Next idea was to sort out the tomato, pepper and chilli plants. No compost - didn’t fancy joining the queue at the garden centre, so plan 2 abandoned. In the end I used a very quick recipe for some fat free lemon brownies - bit of a misnomer! Not the best - a bit solid and sticky, but the son seems to like them! Then took quite a while making some stuffed baked potatoes. - onions, peppers, mushrooms, bacon and topped with halloumi. Okay, but not brilliant (although tasted better than they looked!!), but the main course ( aka the rose wine!) was very nice and made up for the rest of the day!
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