The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Yoga and Buddha

Here in Stroud, the mannequins are made of gold! The yoga centre seems to have run out of clothes for this one. 

A breezy day, today. Not with gales, as in the west of Scotland, but a little too fresh. Met a friend in the market place and we did our socially distanced shopping. Very hard to know where the queue is, these days! Sat in the park and ate ice cream.Concocted a way of getting revenge on the person who keeps dumping unwanted stuff on both of us. It's mean, so I won't do it,  just think about it...

At home, the usual stuff. Cooking. Finished a jigsaw puzzle. Started another one. It's a cottage scene, very relaxing but not twee. Steve commented that in the puzzle all the seasons seem to be occurring at the same time. Nothing would surprise me now...

Then I spent some time chatting online with one of my sisters and thinking about a quiz for tomorrow's Zoom. Honestly, I'm gutted that I haven't crocheted three chandeliers or learned Russian by now, but no....

At least I'm writing again. 

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