
By dunkyc

No Mo Normal

As we move through the latest phase of lockdown or the recovery there from, I keep hearing derivatives of the phrase “return to normal” ie. “some semblance of normality” or “normality or whatever that looks like” and so on.

Taking some time to stop and think about it and it soon becomes apparent that “normal” (and associated derivatives) is something of an artificial construct in of itself. Who decides what normal is and what it should look like? Broadly speaking, I suppose the answer comes from a broad spectrum of society, who unconsciously collectively decide that on balance, yes, that is what “normal” looks like.

What if they’re wrong though? What if that collective opinion (and that is all it is) is wrong and in our rush to get back to “normal” we’re missing arguably the best opportunity to reset the criteria for normal which we will probably ever have in our lifetimes?

When I’ve been speaking with friends and loved ones who have been struggling throughout lockdown and worrying about their coping mechanisms, I’ve relayed my own belief which is that you deal with it the best way YOU know how. The only caveats to this being: a) don’t break any laws, b) your behaviour isn’t to the detriment of others and c) be respectful of others who are just like you and trying to get through this. Outside of this: do what you gotta do.

Whilst these caveats may have initially been applied for lockdown, the more I think about it, the more they can just as easily be applied to life post-lockdown! Simple, coherent criteria for a friendlier, more respectful and infinitely more creative society which will allow us to dispense with this ridiculous idea of ‘normal” and focus instead on living our lives the best way we know how.

Stay healthy.

P.S. The tulips? They are representative of my own mini-rebellion against “normal” as some may find it odd that a man who lives alone occasionally buys himself flowers. I like tulips, they look nice and add some colour and class to my little abode. 

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