
By TheBigCheese1


Been in school for the past couple of days trying to get my head around Boris’ announcement on Sunday evening.  I’ve now come to the conclusion that I cannot get my head around how it can possible be a good idea to open schools up so early to the youngest children!  We cannot get rid of nits in a school environment, let alone COVID-19!!  I don’t care what the science is supposedly saying, young children are incapable of social distancing....end of.  I’ve awaited clear, decisive, guidance from the government for two days has finally come is not clear or doable.

So....I came home and went for a doggy walk instead.  I have downloaded an app to my phone that is absolutely ace, albeit a bit too American.  You take a picture of any plant or tree and it tells you what it is and where (in America) you can buy it and for how much!!!  I’m probably years behind everyone else in finding this app, but I think it is fab.

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