...on display
in the community garden
just in time - for a showing on flowerfriday - i love it how that worked out - i didn’t even plan it - really, i didn’t!
things are beginning to bustle - in the garden - with residents laying claim - to their individual plots again - the boo has taken great - interest in watching all the activities - in addition to her normal - bird stalking and of course - kitty napping in sunbeams
we seem to have had - a sudden influx of the - dreaded ‘miller moths’ as well - which typically pass through - on their pilgrimage this time of year - they are pesky critters - but provide great entertainment - for the boo and now - i find they’re getting - caught up in my new - flower pots which doesn’t thrill me - especially if i need to - pull said pots in the house - due to frost warning - sigh... - i guess the boo will - just have to catch the critters - that’ll make it...
happy day.....
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