The Spiky Tree

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

That is obviously not the proper name for this tree. It is "Spikyus Spikanthius". Obviously.

(I think they believed me).

What the eff happened today? I am sure, as blippers you have this thought often. And if the answer is, "Not an eff of a lot," then you'll understand why I'm struggling to fill in today's text.

Oh. Oh. Wait. I've got something.

We watched "The Negotiator" tonight. It's a film I always enjoy even though we're not supposed to like Kevin Spacey films anymore. And so I have to switch on my inner Judgey Nan voice when he's onscreen.

ME: Ooooh. Did you 'ear about 'im? And what 'e did to them young men? Oooooooh! Disgustin'!

But putting aside the fact that he's a sexual abuser and a deeply weird person, Spacey is counterbalanced in "The Negotiator" by all-round awesome person Samuel L. Jackson*.

But while we were watching it, I remarked upon the fact that I've always been fond of the film because I rented it from the video store on Easter Road for one of the earliest of our Naughty Weekends for Caro and me.

(This is when she would come to stay over on Friday and not leave until Sunday afternoon and we would spend most of that time eating curries and drinking wine and watching telly).

The "Rain Man" part of my movie-memory also recalled I had rented "The Devil's Advocate" with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino, but we didn't like it as much. 

This did not surprise Caro. She is used to this feat of memory by now.

As I expect you are, when I tell you (Princess) that we went to see "Pride" along with Pickett at the CineWorld and you told me afterward about how pit closures had affected your family, or when I tell you (Mad Dog) that we went to see "Men In Black 2" at the Odeon on Clerk Street which was the first time we went to the pictures after I got back from travelling, or when I tell you (Auslaender) that I still remember the night me and you got drunk and watched "Con Air" followed by "Captain Blood" at your flat on Balgreen Road.

I don't know why I remember these things, when I forget 20 times a day where I have left my phone, but I do. And I'm glad that I do. Because it makes me think of you every time I watch telly.

And now I think it might be time for "Con Air" to come back into the rotation. 


* According to my telly-tracker app, Samuel L. Jackson is my second most-watched actor, trailing only Christopher Lee. This is testament to the fact that he is indeed a fine actor and also that he appears in every-f*cking-thing.

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