Trachycarpus fortunei
covered in flower in George & Jeans garden this morning. It really looks fab. I love the structured leaves, I have one in a large pot which I think if planted in the ground 25 years when I bought it would probably be a similar size now. It lived in Mum's garden while we were away, & now with us on our present home, I don't want to plant it here although I know it would be more suitable, but we are only renting.
There are a number of Oz native plants in the garden which makes me wonder whether previous owner had any connection with Australia .. Prostranthera, Correa, Leptospermum, Pittosporum, I know is virtually everywhere nowadays but is a I believe a native from down under. I pruned the Correa 'Dusky Bells' back as it's finished flowering. & hanging out over the path. George had dealt with it in his own inimitable way with a long silver metal pole & a length of green plastic coated gardening wire ... Love 'im!
The overnight rainfall was virtually zilch, very disappointing as the water butts here at the house are empty. Hey ho! It was however blowing a hoolie so my first stop this morning was to make sure the tomato wind protection was still in place and not half way across the allotment site. All was good, so off to George & Jeans with the bedding plants, plus do a couple of hours gardening. Arrived there for 8am, George shouted morning through the window. My first job, to lop back the pittosporum at the side of the property, supervised by George. Jean had relented, as she was very reluctant to have it cut back. Next on the list ... tie in the grape vine. George has a "thing" about his grape vine. He wants it to look beautiful, trained around the inside of the greenhouse. He wants to be able to sit & look at the bunches of grapes. I jokingly asked if he wanted cherubs playing harps as well .... He's got a sense of humour. :- ))) Well there are tiny bunches of grapes forming but I doubt they will make it to the roof. I might have to look for some artificial bunches of grapes to hang there as a surprise later on .. I planted up the strawberry planter with the bedding begonias & popped them in place for Jean. Some tying & staking of perennials, & a good sweep around then it was time for me to leave. I stopped off at Mum's on the way home, dropped off the rhubarb, broad bean tips, & tomato plants. Her runner beans are looking better than mine ... How can that be???? I gave her the plants .. She does talk to her plants, perhaps that's where I'm going wrong.
Flippin' eck! The wind is really ramping up ... A quick coffee then I'm up to the allotment, to do some watering.
Pongy pollack for hubby's dinner tonight, skate for me.
Thanks to BikerBear/Annie for hosting
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