Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

My Corona

A ran over today to pick up her bike (see extra). While here she mentioned that she had a staff meeting and that as this week was outdoor week in school, somebody had suggested that everyone made and wore a garment from outdoor materials. Ten seconds later, a sprig of Clematis Montana Rubens and some rock rose (cistus) flowers and she looked like this. Unbelievable - I'd have spent hours badly weaving dock leaves or dandelions into something ugly, she spent a couple of minutes and created this! Guess you've either got it or you haven't and I haven't! I have got two gorgeous daughters though and I'm looking forward to being able to get within two metres of them to give them a big hug.
Today I went for a walk first thing then spent time in the garden again. The rest of my sweet peas are in and I've prepared various containers for some plantlets which I hope will be arriving soon.
Good to hear that Scottish schools are not going back until August, I think that makes sense, I wouldn't feel safe sending children back before then and there will be so much preparation needed to get the classrooms and other facilities ready, not to mention working out how exactly things can be managed to keep everybody in a healthy and safe environment. I am so glad I have retired. Here in Edinburgh too, schools would have broken up for the summer on 26th June, now there is no rush and plenty of time to get things safely right.
I did lots of admin and emails following on from yesterday's Cursillo meeting, so good to have got that done.
Evening prayer today was for Ascension Day, I can't believe we are at that stage in the Church Calendar already.
This evening we clapped the NHS and carers, met several new participants including a new neighbour who moved in on Monday having sold their house in Spain. Must be a bit of a shock coming here to this.
I pushed C out of his online bridge game this evening and rather enjoyed playing. Its the first time I've played online.

Keep safe and well everyone please. This is moving slowly but surely, let's keep getting it right so we can start to move forward.

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