
By Sunseeker

Saffron yawning

Saffron seems to be enjoying being in the village though she's nervous enough to stay close most of the time. She hasn't met the next-door neighbours' new cat Zoe yet - I don't think they're going to like each other. Fortunately Zoe doesn't venture this way much, so far she's more interested in keeping a group of local cats up the road at bay.
A nice day - I did a bit of cutting back and weeding and strawberry picking (just a few left) in the garden and also went to the beach with a friend who lives locally and had a good long swim and a natter. Later my garden jobs got interrupted by a long call from a friend in Ireland, and then by a rain storm which continued through the night.  Both very welcome interruptions! The rain has cooled us down to normal temperatures for this time year (i.e. around 25 from 35 C), and will water the garden for me.

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