Growing old disgracefully



...of a box of chocolates.

It was the sky I wanted to feature today, but it's not generally advisable to come to a sudden stop on the M8, unless, like yesterday, there is a cow on the line. I am not sure if it is the high wind that makes these skies so dramatic - today it was like the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, an eschatalogical process in which parts of the almost totally black sky would suddenly peal back like skin from a scalp, revelaing gold and crimson tipped clouds and impossibly bright blue sky. I half expected the pointing finger of God to appear next. Just as well I couldn't stop, really, the camera would never have captured it.

Completed a course today with the brilliant gang in Kirkintilloch. As always, sad to say farewell, but feeling enriched by working with such people. I neither needed or deserved the box of chocolates.

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