Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Monday — Office Farewell

Today Mr.Fun & I went to the college to clear-out my office — get my things, leave a pile of recycle, and another pile for shredding — then I walked to the Dean of Instruction’s office to turn in my office key.

This Covid-19 season is a strange time to be making a permanent exit from the college. Even though there is no commencement, many of us are completing momentous accomplishments. At Norco College, 10 faculty are retiring, 3 who have been there since the college opened in 1991. In these Covid-19 days there will be no shared goodbyes, no shared hugs, tears, or laughter. No hats in the air, but that does not diminish the significance of this meaningful journey. The lack of celebration is certainly a letdown.

So today was bitter-sweet. I’m very ready to retire, but letting go of a career that 30-years ago I wanted so bad that I ached seems foreign; I lack the ability to describe this moment’s emotion.

In my collage, the upper right photo shows my reflection, and if one looks carefully, Mr. Fun’s reflection can be seen.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi

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