Fills My Cup
...of happiness. I cannot even begin to express what it was like to be back in my favourite woods. It was a little eerie at first as it was very quiet. I left home at 6 a.m. and had to move some pylons to enter the parking lot. I was not going that distance and not going in!! If they said it would be open, then open it would be. (Work crew did arrive 3 hours later to remove pylons and take down signs saying it was closed due to Covid-19).
After being greeted by two families of geese with goslings, I came upon three very handsome bucks! This was the first boy who came over to say hi. Very cautious but that was was simply good to see them. I love the colouring going from winter to summer coat! I walked around for four hours, went home for two (I had to work! Eeeek!) and then headed out again till 6 pm.
In the evening, I went back to the spot I saw so many warblers this past weekend. I happened upon a boy with his father and one year old sister. I talked with this young man, Abdulla, for an hour!! It was a little odd but his father left to take the baby back to the car to feed her while Abdulla and I chatted. This boy is incredible. He knows his birds...all of them! He was excited to hear what birds I have been seeing and then he filled me in on his list. He told me that he has been interested in birds for the past 5 years and his parents take him places now so he can continue seeing more and more. For his 11th birthday, he wants a camera but his mum told him that he might get binoculars instead....maybe when he is 14. I asked him if his parents were birders, "No, but they sort of have to be now. Cause they have to take me places to see them. They are slowly learning." He made me smile :))
An incredible young man....and an incredible day. Happy Hump Day, folks!!
D x
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