
By HareBrain

Main Building

Looking up to Outpatients on the Second Floor of the fantastic new hospital building in Stoke on Trent where I had a follow-up appointment today with the brain man following the teeny weeny health blip I suffered on Nov. 1st last year.

The good news is there is still a fair amount of brain left. More good news, Mr T has to wait on me hand, foot and finger for the rest of my life; I must avoid any stressful situations; give up work immediately; concentrate wholly on improving my photography and commenting regularly on all the wonderful blips and write-ups of fellow blippers. All this, and many, many more good things, were recommended by Dr. F.E.E.L. 'm'. Good, K.T.W.A. (keep them waiting ages), V.N.M (very nice man), M.R.C.V.S.. Oh, perhaps he is a VET but, hey, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, so they say.

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