I think we need more stories
One of my friends was recently helped by a story of one of my periods of unemployment. Knowing I'd been unemployed for a long time and came through helped her see that you can be unemployed for what seems like a long period and still, eventually, get a job and eventually be ok.
I think kids benefit from hearing family stories of people going through tough times and making it through. They learn it is possible. They learn they come from tough stock.
I think we benefit from learning about other people going through menopause, or grief, so that we have a sense of what to expect, learn how people coped, and develop an understanding that eventually we breathe deeply and one day laugh again.
One of my former interns died. No cause was provided. Someone mentioned darkness. He would have been graduating from college now.
I think it is important that we share our concerns about this period so that we all know that our feelings are not unusual and we are not alone. I think we should share our fears because that makes it more acceptable for others to share theirs too.
Obviously, we have to keep going, but we are all of us human. This period is harder for some than others, but if we can share it will make it easier for others to share.
Thank you for sharing with us.
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