Bee day

Ling walk with callie and 2m company. Should not have done yesterday litter pick as we were frustrated at the new litter appearing.


Got an email about a swarm at my apiary. It was on the plot if the lady who was allergic to the bee stings. Bailed out if team meeting and headed over.

Took a while to find it. About 10 foot up a Hawthorn. Some gardening to get access but could not shake it in so sawed the branch supporting them into a cardboard box. Almost all captured but the branch made it difficult to turn over box so put a brood box with frames on top. They eventually went into the hive box.

Let them settle and did a work meeting.

Moved them to a new stand and put the hive together and walked the bees in cardboard box into the hive.


Football zoom call.

Out to check swarm and unite the stragglers.

All ok.

Watered allotment.


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