The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A pintail duck to the rescue ...

I went out with a few Yorkshire Wildlife Trust people today to walk the drain side path from Loglands Nature Reserve to Noddle Hill Nature Reserve .. all part of creating a 'green arc' across Hull - a walk taking in various green spaces.

I'm so out of condition, it nearly killed me! It was SO muddy and we were walking against the wind on the way there, so it really WAS hard work.

What's more, I thought they had arranged to leave a Landrover at Noddle Hill to take us back. But no - we had to do it all again, but at least the wind was (mostly) blowing us in the right direction this time!

I nearly posted a blip of my very muddy wellies (which also decided to spring a very large leak en route!) .. but this gorgeous male pintail saved the day!

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