Porty Girl!!!

By portyg

Scottish Pride?

This term portrays lots of different images in one's mind.

To me it represents the plain loaves that we used to buy when I was young. My dad was a Glasgow docker- a stevedore if you want to sound posh, ie a labourer. He would only eat plain bread- anything else was for 'wummen'. He used to have the outsiders or doorsteps of the bread with lots of butter, jam and cheddar cheese for his 'piece' that he wrapped in greaseproof paper and put in his saddlebag on his bike. He probably washed it down with a beer. Although he swore like a trooper at work, I never heard him swear, neither did my mum. He didn't consider it right to swear in front of women or children.

The other image that springs to mind is that of Scottish Pride marches- Gay/ lesbian/ bisexual marches to highlight their existence and acceptance in society.

The image that I think is meant by this sticker is that of the tartan and bagpipes that is portrayed by the Press and film industry, or the SNP image wanting Independence for Scotland from the English parliament.

Have a great weekend everyone. Remember Historic Scotland sites have free entrance this weekend. Perhaps a trip to Edinburgh Castle tomorrow?

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