The road less travelled.

We decided to do the food shopping in Sainsburys this week, as I wanted a few things you can't get in M & S.  I queued for twenty minutes, and I couldn't understand why so many people were coming out, but we weren't moving. A lady behind me said, it's for the elderly & vulnerable before 9 o' clock ,so I queued all that time when I could have nearly finished the shopping. Ok, I lied a bit, the big birthday isn't until August, but it's near enough. I wanted glace cherries and caster sugar, but couldn't get either. We used to shop in Sainsburys regularly  but I wasn't impressed at all, and I won't be going back as I found it very expensive. It's not a great photo, but this is the shortcut we take to get there. It's called the S bend, and is very narrow, but it's only used by locals and is much quicker than using the main road. We called back in Aldi, and I managed to get the caster sugar, but the cherries will have to wait. I'm glad that's all over for another week.

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