Breeding like...
Rabbits at the bottom of the garden. Today was, it seems, the first day of spring. From Friday onwards, we will be back into winter - but today and tomorrow is a quick pre-spring. And the creatures in the gardens were taking full advantage. From rabbits frolicking about - paying no heed to me approaching with the camera, to birds singing lustily from the treetops and, yes, even some bees bustling about.
Spring aside, it was the usual busy Wednesday, with added catching up on jobs I was supposed to do this week, since Mr B is coming back tomorrow. So, some door painting, ironing, blind making, prep for class tomorrow and a small amount of sitting on the sofa pointlessly late watching a 'chickflick' I've seen countless times, but still can't resist watching to the end of.
But with the warmth of the sun in the garden, and the lengthening days (easily measurable on Wednesdays for me - today it was just still light at the end of TallGirl's riding lesson) it is heartening to feel that spring proper is really just around the corner.
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