Kāinga Ora

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today's picture is rather crappy. But I felt I should blip a Ladybird as we have been INUNDATED with them lately. I keep putting them outside and they keep coming back in!

It occurred to me today that maybe they are coming in because they want to BE in. It is starting to get a bit chilly lately. So now we share our house with a small herd of them, and they keep popping up on window sills and workbenches.

I had my follow-up interview with Kāinga Ora today. It was fun! The Irish lady was joined by a Kiwi lady and they told me all about the organisation and it was a nice, chatty interview. I felt very good about it.

Also, it struck me that it would be refreshing to work for something I actually believe in, for once. I mean, I've spent decades working for financial institutions and not giving actual shits about what I do*. This organisation seems to have a good purpose. 

I do not know if this will translate into additional layers of motivation. But you never know.

Anyway, it appears that Irish Lady and Kiwi Lady were having equally positive feelings about me, because about 30 minutes later the agent called to tell me I have the contract. It is only for three months, but hey who knows. And also it is at the same rate as I'm on currently - YAAAAY!

(To put this in context, with the advent of covid the last job I interviewed for would have meant a 33% rate cut).

Of course, this does give me a new problem. What to blip-name the new people? The Irish lady is easy. Just pick a name from "Father Ted" - 

Irish Lady: Shall be known as "Dougal". 

But obviously the Kiwi lady is a bit more problematic as I am surrounded by them. She reminded me a bit of The Hotel Inspector, so perhaps I will call her Polizzi until something better comes along.

Oh. And. Also. One FINAL bit of good news. I asked them about going back to work now that we are at Level 2. MPI is already doing it, I explained, although limiting attendance to 30% of staff.

"Oh no. NO. We're all working from home for the foreseeable future," said Polizzi. 

I could have hugged her. If not for social distancing. And the fact she was on "Zoom".

Finally, in telly news, we have started watching "Bergerac".


* Of course, at the moment I work for an organisation that deals in food safety. I suppose I do care about this, especially when I'm choking on a Pringle, or shitting through the eye of a needle, but it doesn't give me warm fuzzies.

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