Tractor Tuesday.
Gosh its been ages since I did a Tractor Tuesday blip! However Mr Tbay produced the perfect blip this afternoon. The area around the summer house was long overdue a really good clean so today Mr Tbay decided to tackle it. He decided that the lawn was hard enough to get this little tractor in with his link box on to take all the weeds and rubbish away. I just love the contrast of the bright red and vibrant greens.
Farming - Another day of Compost hauling and Mr Tbay Jnr out Silaging.
After my marathon kitchen project yesterday sanding all my work surfaces and re oiling them I set about putting everything back in its place. (See extras) I streamlined a bit and managed to get rid of quite a lot of unwanted clutter.
I also started to sand down the kitchen walls in preparation for painting Then. As always with a very old house it is never as simple as it might be. I uncovered some quite unstable plaster which will need to dry out before we decide what to do with it! See extra.
We are now into our 8th week of lockdown.
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