Lock Down....Day 66....Spain

A Hopeful Sign!

A digger working away, on the beach, at 7.30 in the evening, has got to be an encouraging sign......that our beaches might be re opened soon!!!
They are still repairing  the damage from Storm Gloria.....
but when Covid swept  through the land....beach repairs were rightly relegated ....as being not very important!
But now, we are beginning to hope ....Phase 2, might be arriving  soon.
The dreadful death toll is, continuing to fall.....
Yesterday there was one death from Covid, in Alicante Province.....

I took the photo during my ‘magic hour’, 7 p.m.-8 p.m...when we ‘golden oldies’ over 70 years of age, can go “out” for some exercise 
( some days, I manage to do some indoor exercise with Joe Wicks.....on You Tube......because that doesn’t count against my “outdoor” time...)

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