Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

And So It Begins

 We put this pond in when we first moved to Haddemhan 12 Years ago. We brought fish from our previous home and they survived a few weeks in a large container as we prepared the pond. Everythin in the garden was rosey, that was untill last year. Our fish had multiplied and quite happy untill .. The Heron came. We put some deterents out but to no avail. In a few weeks the Heron was fed and we where fishless. The pond started loosing water possibly the heron had punchered the liner. The pond became a wildlife pond. A couple of weeks ago Sue and I decided that the reeds we had were taking over so we decided to strip them all out and replant different flowers. Me and my size 'big' shoes punctured the pond evenmore. So we have ordered a rigid pond liner, It comes next week. Now begins the work.

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