The old and the new

My delivery of new elastic arrived today, good timing as I’m progressing with the masks.

My old supply included some very old wrinkly stuff which looks as though it wouldn’t stand up to lots of washing as it’s loosing its elasticity.

A busy day with an early start at about 4 am as Amber had a poorly tummy. I went back to bed and slept until after 10.

I had a very unexpected phone call from my elderly former neighbour in Essex. She rang to tell me that the show of alliums in her garden was spectacular and reminded her of me. I introduced them to her many years ago. A lovely thought and a newsy chat as we normally communicate by letter and cards.

A sewing afternoon whilst watching the Chelsea Flower Show programmes. A very different show this year, but still lots to see and learn. Would just like to know how to stop Amber trashing ours!!!

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