Another lazy day. After walking more than 27 miles in the last two days, Ann said we were going to take it easy today. And it would appear that Nicola isn't planning on lifting any of the lock down restrictions in Scotland until at least the 28th May, so we didn't feel any great need to go rushing off to complete our 'walking on golf courses project'.

This morning I trekked around the streets on my lead for 30-40 mins and then this afternoon I went to the park for an hour or so. The rest of the time I've been happy to snooze.

So here I am sat next to some trees that have been cut down. My human is finding it really hard to understand what is 'essential' work and what is not. Here in Scotland we are still in 'lock down' so can chopping down trees really be considered to be 'essential'? Unless of course the trees were in danger of falling down and killing someone, which we really don't think these trees were.

And the other thing........................ on our walk to the park; there were 75 cars waiting at the traffic lights near the entrance. (see extras) Admittedly there were roadworks going on but seriously? 75 cars?! We're still in lockdown. Were all these drivers really on 'essential travel'? I doubt it very much. Everyone seems to be breaking the rules, right, left and centre. Morningside Road this afternoon seemed to be busier than it is in normal times. It took forever to cross the road. When lock down first started we could have done the whole of the walk in the middle of the road.

Anyway my human loves Monday evenings because she gets to watch both Coronation Street & EastEnders. #itsthelittlethings

See you all tomorrow.

Toodles. xx

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