
By caitjob

Out of my window

Today was horrible and rainy. I had to go on campus to sign up for modules which didn't improve things. After running round various departments I managed to work out a timetable that I'm happy with. Though that depends on whether the woman in history told me the wrong time for a seminar which I'm fairly certain she did.

I will find out tomorrow as ended up giving up and going home before I'd finished signing up for everything as I had rent and bank things to sort out. (I got back to a lot of letters about various things.) It looks like I've mostly got things organised now though I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do about the fact the French government want me to have the same birth place on my passport and birth certificate. ( This is something which I'd never noticed before - one says the town the hospital was in and the other says the town that the first town is technically part of...).

We went to the pub quiz early to have a catch-up with Nikki and Tara before the quiz. It was really nice to see them especially as I hadn't seen Nikki since before Christmas. We didn't do terribly in the quiz either which is a plus!

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