Naughty Boy…

Hi Everyone,

Gardening News: More gardening done yesterday, and good progress made. Planning on going back out there today. The weather forecast suggests 22 degrees so should be nice. The plan is to mow and strim this afternoon and I have found in the two compost bins at the very end of the garden some earth which I will us to start leveling some of the hollows that seem to have appeared. It will make the lawn look a bit strange with lots of patches of earth but give it a month or so and things should look quite nice.

Lathe News: There is a set of collets and chuck for sale on eBay that I would really like, they seem to be quite rare and therefore warrant quite a high price. The auction ends in 9 days so keep your fingers crossed for me.

The Photo: I took this last summer and I know I’m being a naughty boy using it today, but I was looking through some old photos and sort of liked this one. Hopefully as I’m being extremely good and only leaving the house once a week for supplies, I will be forgiven for posting a photo of the outside world that I am starting to miss… 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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