
By Sunseeker


It's incredibly hot, around 37°C, so hard to do very much.
I went for a very early walk, at 7.30 a.m., which was just about bearable. I was a bit dismayed to find masses of litter on the paths at the foot of the mountain... including a lot of beer cans - it looked like some Saturday evening partying had been going on.
I then spent ages preparing the balcony plants for imminent departure to Evia next week. Everything needs to be on the watering system, but not everything needs the same amount of water, so it's a bit tricky.
As fate would have it, our land line stopped working and is unlikely to be fixed before we leave, and one of the shutter blinds broke too, but hopefully that can be fixed tomorrow.
Had a good long chat to Mum this afternoon. Shes trying to stay cheerful but is feeling very lonely and cut off, inevitably.

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