
Last year Tony removed this azalea in to a large pot.  It had been in the ground at the top of what is now our rockery and didn't do particularly well.  It is now thriving and a stunning colour.  

I've had a busy day repainting the stair wall with the correct shade after yesterday's mess up!  I've done what I should do every time I paint something, and that is write on the lid what it is for!  Lesson learned.

I haven't been out for a walk or run today as, being the weekend, our locale seems much busier and I can do without the distancing hassle.  There has also been a chilly edge to a stiff breeze.  I did a bit of work tidying in the garden first thing, put a half and half loaf in the breadmaker and made a batch of rock cakes.

I was chuffed to see my neighbourhood doorstep photos have had a mention on the Blipfoto FB page!

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