
laurie and her family are from canada and are here in zambia for two years. back home laurie is a professional life coach, something that i knew very little about before i met her (my narrow view was very british and very cynical!). for me, laurie doubles up as a life coach and a fitness coach.

i don't know whether it is because she is a life coach, or just that she is a natural question-asker, but laurie generally knows the right questions to ask to make me think about my life and my calling. school mission has also gained from laurie's expertise: she ran a course with our interns about discovering who you are and what God has created you for. it made a big impact on our young people and we are grateful for the input.

i'm only sorry that it is just recently that i have discovered 'laurie the fitness coach'. she's doing a magnificent job of motivating me to lose my christmas excess and she makes a superb and hilarious squash partner (even when she does hit me in the face with the squash ball).

laurie, my waist is a little smaller and my life is a lot richer for having you in it.

(i'm taking a break from my normal blipping routine and from now until i leave i will be posting portraits of the people that i love here in zambia. i might put them all together at the end to make a mammoth picture to hang on my wall, but mostly they will stay here on blip so i can remember these lovely people.)

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