
By Houseonahill6

My helpful Brownie

Whoo hoo, I made it down to the allotment today.After being in the house and not stepping past the front door for the last 56 days it felt good to be out to see the sea and fields and to talk to other people other than Mike.
We ended up staying for a few hours , had distant chats with our allotment neighbours and ended up with some marigolds, Kale, Purple sprouting and cauliflower seedlings, how good was that and so kind too :)
I weeded between the stones in the path, collected the grass after Mike had trimmed the edges, pinned down the netting around the strawberry plants which look amazing, full of flowers , pulled back some of the black covering and dug it over. I planted the black currant and blackberry bushes, we put up the scarecrow, seeded a little meadow strip ( the seeds look like they were mainly grass so might have to add a few poppy seeds etc) and planted the kale and purple sprouting. We are gradually working our way forwards, I still have tatties, peas, broad beans etc, etc to put in .
Home for sausages and plenty of veg for dinner , added the mint from the allotment to the potatoes :)

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