The Path

Morning. There was cloud.
AND it was quite a bit cooler, so The Boss decided it was ironing time and up the mountain we went. Things are a little different at this time of year as I stay on lead until we are up about a third of the way 'Cos there are grass burrs galore and with my normal zipping and zapping and curls I get covered in them AND then I get seriously distressed trying unsuccessfully to lick them off AND The boss gets bad pricks in his fingers if he tries to pull them off AND it all ends up back home on my grooming table. (YES I have one of these) where I am cleaned up with a wire brush.
So you can see I don't object to the change in arrangements at all "Cos it is all to my advantage and being a Terrier I immediately realise this. Right?
Errr... What...You want a lightbulb changed?......NO you will need a Golden Retreiver for that....OK?
Oh...Lost the plot for a bit. Oh yes. Well this is on the approach track on the Mt Iron loop and was taken well before The Boss was even puffed and well before he had that quite acrimonious discussion on his phone with the lady banker who he told that he was on top of a mountain and couldn't do what she wanted but she reneged and all was well in the end. Golly that was a long sentence. While on the top we checked out photo opps for The BLIP BEAR (soon to arrive) and ME and Tiny T AND The Boss AND probably My Friend Peter who will probably be needed to orchestrate the production or maybe a dog.

Oh go on, make it bigger

Later edit...The Bossess says I should tell you that it's Black Peak with the touch of snow...T

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