I had a blip all ready - my Gerbera, looking quite faded now, with the lovely soft bokeh of rain on the window behind it. I thought that was the best I would get today. Then.....the sun came out so I jumped in the car to go for a walk with my camera. It was so lovey and fresh. Feeling more like summer with it a little steamy after all that rain. Lovely.
Down at the end of the pond, I was watching for one of the muskrats to appear when I saw a larger shape swimming towards me. I was obviously spotted and he/she veered slightly away to bypass me before going to the shore. It was obviously watching me closely as it quietly swam by. It amazes me how such a bulky, clumsy creature on earth can be so fluid and graceful in the water. Beaver
It is a holiday weekend for us so I am looking forward to getting out and taking some photos if the weather cooperates. My daughter returns to work on Tuesday. Really crossing fingers that we are not rushing back to it and that everyone will be oh so very careful.
Have a fabulous start to the weekend. I do hope you are all well and coping with our new reality.
D x
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