A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix

Heaven in food form

Today I had a delivery from a local company called the Guernsey Biscuit. I ordered some locally made sausage rolls which he had for lunch and these brownies. They are quite the most delicious things in the world. If any local blippers are reading this, I cannot recommend them highly enough.
We had a briefing today from our States. We have moved on to phase 3 a week ahead of the plan. 7 active cases and no new cases for 15 days. Primary schools are allowed to go back on June 8th. There will two as yet undetermined groups. One group will be in school on Monday and Tuesday. The school will be deep cleaned on Wednesday and then the other group will be in on Thursday and Friday. This has been a bit of a strange plan, it certainly throws up lots of questions and I’m rather glad that I’m not the person who has to sort out who goes where and when.

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