One Year

A photo of R available for adoption last May and sitting on our sofa.

A year ago today we drove to Leicester to pick R up from her foster home. She had given birth to three pups and they were old enough to go to new homes.

She and I didn't sleep the first night as R was searching the house for her pups, upstairs and downstairs, at the front door and then the living room window. She finally fell asleep around 5am.

The first few weeks were challenging and it took her a few months to trust us and settle, even longer to play with a toy.

She's grown in confidence and I hope she realises she is here to stay. She was a welfare case and you can tell life hadn't been kind to her.

We love you R, Happy First 'Gotcha' Day.

R opened her presents, I gave B a lift to the shops and did R's shopping. Also gave B and M a lift to the vets.

UK death toll is 33998.

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