Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hang in there!

Advice from a black-and-white warbler (yes, finally a warbler with a name that makes perfect sense).  

I had a lovely 2.5 mile walk through the woods today, encountering not a single human (or bear, thank goodness).  I saw/heard 25 species of bird and enjoyed blissfully warm temperatures, low humidity and a light breeze.I didn't really get any pictures that were great, but this one made me laugh and I hope it will bring a smile to your face, too.  These little warblers seem to forage constantly, moving up and down the trunks and branches of trees as they snap up little insects and spiders.  They aren't particularly easy to photograph because they are in constant motion, but at least they get close to eye level which certainly helps.  Side view in Extra

Back at home, I saw my yard first-of-season yellow-rumped warbler as well as the male pileated woodpecker.  No good photos.  Chipmunks are running rampant at this point, with wild chases, fights and chip-offs (wherein both parties chip as loudly as they can).  When the garage door is open, the garage becomes a chippie race track.  I confess that I like it, and it certainly is amusing.

NJ and 3 of our surrounding states will be opening beaches next Friday for the 3-day weekend.  Lots of restrictions, of course.  We aren't beach people, and have no desire to get anywhere near a beach right now.  But the opening will make a lot of people very happy - just hope they will be smart.

It feels some days like we are in and endless march across the desert without a compass.  I know that we all want desperately to get back to something that looks like "normal" but I also realize that we must adapt to some form of new normal.  For me, the uncertainty of it all takes a toll, some days more than others.  Today is one of those days, although I can't really point to any specific reason.  I admit that I am feeling a bit sad that I won't be leaving for Costa Rica next week as originally planned.  Right now I should be busily messaging Hilly and Suzanne to compare notes on gear - instead we are all trying to just muddle through each day as best we can.  Okay, enough of feeling sorry for myself.  

I am going to take myself outside and start working on the infernal water feature in my garden.  If you hear cursing, it will be me...

Be safe, keep socially distant, be kind...


Covid Stats
Total positives as of today in NJ - 143,905
Total deaths in NJ - 10,138
Total cases in Sussex County - 1047 ---  deaths - 137

Today is Day 72 since NJ's first case of Covid 19 was diagnosed

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