Flat Out On Friday

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Actually, I did eff all today. Punky here, was today's spirit animal.

Things were quiet (finally) at work so I took the opportunity to fart about with documents and play with cats.

Theoretically, I was supposed to be having an interview for a new contract today as well, but it was cancelled. They decided to scrap the role altogether, but then called up later in the afternoon to say that, no, no, they'd changed their minds and wanted to interview me next week after all.

Red flag. Red flag. 

But what the heck. It's not like I have anything else lined up.

In the afternoon, I put on the film After the Sunset which is another of our Drunk Films*. It's a fluffy, entertaining piece of nothing about daring thieves stealing diamonds in the Bahamas. This film always puts me in a good mood and was a great way to start off the weekend.

Finally, you may wonder if we've had any more Caro-related food debacles after Muffingate and the great Ginger Nut Scandal. Well, not exactly but she did order a big apple crumble and some custard for reasons I have been unable to glean. 

The thing is, Caro now has a tiny stomach so I was unsure how to feed her an apple crumble unless we have ONLY apple crumble for tea. 

In the end we decided to order a pizza really early, and then eat the apple crumble really late. And as a result of this, both of us ended up in a food coma at around 9pm and ended up going to bed to sleep it off.

Done in by an apple crumble. It's a rock and roll lifestyle, eh?


* Which, if you had forgotten, is a Caro term for those films you can watch over and over. Especially when you are pished.

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